Prefab-Sprout-Sänger Paddy McAloon: Pro-Einwanderungssong „America“

Prefab-Sprout-Sänger Paddy McAloon veröffentlicht wie aus dem Nichts „America“ – ein Protest-Lied, das sich gegen Trumps Einwanderungspolitik stellt.

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„America, do what’s right. The immigrant, as you well know, Is drawn to freedom’s light.“

Paddy McAloon alias Prefab Sprout meldet sich mit dem Song „America“ zurück, per Youtube-Video. In dem Stück protestiert er gegen die Einwanderungspolitik von Donald Trump.

„Don’t reject the stranger knocking at your door, the orphan child exiled by war“, singt McAloon und bittet darum, hilfesuchende Menschen nicht abzuweisen. Und weiter: „She may become a doctor and work among the poor. Or a scientist who finds a cure.“

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America, America, liberty welcomes everyone
America, America, now she’s blushing in the sun
Don’t reject the stranger knocking at your door
The orphan child exiled by war
She may become a doctor and work among the poor
A scinetist who finds a cure
America, America, the immigrant, as you well know
Is drawn to freedom’s light
America, do what’s right
The immigrant, as you well know
Is drawn to freedom’s light
America, do what’s right
America, America, liberty welcomes everyone
America, America, now she’s blushing in the sun
Don’t reject the stranger knocking at your door
The orphan child exiled by war
She may beocme a dcoctor and work among the poor
Or a scientist who finds a cure
America, America, the immigrant, as you well know
Is drawn to freedom’s light
America, do what’s right
The immigrant, as you well know
Is drawn to freedom’s light
America, do what’s right
America, America, your fields of wheat, your amber grain
Your kindness will not be in vain
America, think again

Oskar Burmann