Tourabsage der Tour von Keith Emerson und Greg Lake
Die von uns präsentierte und in der aktuellen Ausgabe angekündigte Tour der ELP-Veteranen musste leider aus gesundheitlichen Gründen abgesagt werden. Greg Lake erklärte in einem offiziellen Statement den Hintergrund.
Wer sich beim Lesen der Anzeige auf Seite 117 in unserer Oktoberausgabe gefreut hatte, einen musikalischen Abend mit Greg Lake und Keith Emerson zu verbringen, wird leider noch eine Weile auf dieses Erlebnis warten müssen. Die vier Daten Ende November / Anfang Dezember in Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Ravensburg und Berlin mussten – ebenso wie der Japan-Teil der Tour und die Daten in Resteuropa – abgesagt werden. Hier die offizielle Erklärung von Greg Lake im Originalwortlaut:
Dear friends and fans all over the world.
Many of you may have seen recently that Keith and I were forced to cancel our tour of Japan due to a serious medical problem discovered during a routine medical by Keith just after the High Voltage Festival here in London. As a result of this Keith is currently in hospital recovering from a series of operations which we are all hoping will bring him back to good health.
However, the type of surgery that Keith has undergone is major and it will take some considerable time for him to fully recover. For this reason we have decided that it would be best if we also cancel the European leg of the tour as well. Of course we do hope to reschedule both the Japanese and the European legs of the tour at some point in the future, but we will only be able to make this announcement a little further down the line once we see how quickly things are progressing along.
During this past week Stewart, myself and all the members of Keith’s family have been supporting him wherever and however we can and I have to say that Keith has been extremely brave. He was in intensive care for a number of days but I am pleased to hear that he is apparently now back in his own room and starting to feel a little bit better. This of course is really good news and I hope to be able to visit him tomorrow for the first time since the operation.
I suppose that it goes without saying that both of us were terribly disappointed about not being able to continue on with these tours right now as we were both really looking forward to seeing everyone in Japan and throughout Europe, but this was an extremely serious situation which could not be ignored or postponed so I hope everyone will understand that we would not have taken such a decision unless it was absolutely necessary.
I am sure you would all want to wish Keith well and I will certainly do my best to pass on to him any best wishes that you would like to convey by posting them on this website.If anyone would like more detail about Keith’s current state of recovery, etc. then please log on to his website at
Thank you for your patience and understanding and I look forward to seeing you all in the not too distant future.
Greg Lake.