Kanye West: „Is the word BITCH acceptable?“
Am Wochenende stieß Kanye West eine interessante Diskussion an: Ausgerechnet Mr. "That's My Bitch" sinniert via Twitter darüber, ob er die Worte "Bitch" und "Nigga" nicht zu oft gebrauche.
Seltsam nachdenkliche Sätze konnte man am vergangenen Wochenende plötzlich auf dem Twitter-Account von Kanye West nachlesen: „I usually never tweet questions but I struggle with this so here goes… Is the word BITCH acceptable?“ Wenig später tweetete er: „To be more specific, is it acceptable for a man to call a woman a bitch even if it’s endearing?“
Was folgte war ein interessanter Monolog über sein eigenes Texten und der Aufruf in die Diskussion einzusteigen:
„I usually never tweet questions but I struggle with this so here goes… Is the word BITCH acceptable? To be more specific, is it acceptable for a man to call a woman a bitch even if it’s endearing? Even typing it in question form it’s still feels harsh? Has hip hop conditioned us to accept this word? Do we love this word as much as we love the word NIGGA in an endearing way? correction, Here’s the age old question, would we refer to our mothers as bitches? Would‘ we call our fathers niggers or better yet NIGGAS? If nigga is such a positive word, why do we feel so uncomfortable for white people to say it, even with a hall pass? Is it ok to use bitch as long as we put BAD in front of it? Like you a BAD BITCH. Perhaps the words BITCH and NIGGA are now neither positive or negative. They are just potent and it depends on how the are used and by whom? #FREETHOUGHT.“
Später schreibt er: „What if there was no profanity… What if we decided to legalise profanity in a sense? In France they play songs with cursing on the radio. I was recently questioned about the use of the word BITCH in my music and initially was offended by anyone questioning anything in my music. Stevie Wonder never had to use the word bitch to get his point across. I will admit that I sometimes go back an omit cursing from my records. I like to use profanity as a tool and not a crutch. I’m not tweeting to say what we need and what we don’t… I just wanted to think out loud with you guys today…“
Am Ende rief Kanye West zur Diskussion auf, die unter diesem Hashtag zu finden ist #THEWORDBITCH.
Zur Rubrik: Unter dem Titel „Meet My Tweets“ wollen wir Ihnen ab sofort immer wieder mal Künstler und Künstlerinnen vorstellen, deren Twitter-Accounts einen gewissen Unterhaltungswert haben.