Reaktionen zum Tode von Lou Reed. David Bowie: ‚Er war ein Meister‘
Viele Künstler äußerten sich per Statements, zum Teil auf Twitter, zum Tod von Lou Reed. Beileidsbekundungen von u.a. Bowie, The Who, Salman Rushdie, Nile Rodgers, Pixies und Kim Gordon.

UPDATE: John Cale, Mitmusiker Lou Reeds bei The Velvet Underground, schrieb zum Tod des Musikers:
„The world has lost a fine songwriter and poet…I’ve lost my ‘school-yard buddy“.
Auch Heavy-Metal-Musiker zeigten sich betroffen vom Tode Reeds. Eine Liste der Künstler, darunter Aerosmith und Kiss, zusammen gestellt von Metal Hammer, finden Sie hier.
Viele Musiker haben sich zum Tod von Lou Reed zu Wort gemeldet und Beileid bekundet.
David Bowie, langjähriger Weggefährte des Sängers und dessen Produzent, veröffentlichte ein kurzes, aber treffendes Statement: „Er war ein Meister“.
ROLLING STONE USA versammelt viele der auf Twitter geteilten Kondolenzbekundungen:
Julian Casablancas (The Strokes):
Lou Reed is the reason I do everything I do.
No words to express the sadness at the death of Lou Reed. He had been there all of my life. He will always be pressed to my heart. Thank God for those, like Lou, who move within their own laws, otherwise imagine how dull the world would be. I knew the Lou of recent years and he was always full of good heart. His music will outlive time itself. We are all timebound, but today, with the loss of liberating Lou, life is a pigsty.
Kim Gordon (Sonic Youth und Body/Head):
So sorry to hear of Lou Reed s passing this is a huge shock!
Nile Rodgers:
Lou Reed, R.I.P. I did the Jools Holland show with him last year and we yucked it up. I didn’t know he was ill….
Patrick Carney (The Black Keys):
R.I.P. Lou Reed.
Gary Numan:
Lou Reed has died. That’s terrible news. A huge part of my younger years revolved around him and his music. GN
Judd Apatow:
I met Lou Reed and told him he gave me tinnitus at a concert in 1989 that never went away and it was worth it. Dirty Blvd. Love to Lou.
Alex Kapranos:
I will remember Lou Reed fondly, particularly the time I rode past him in full cycling gear on the West Side Highway. He looked good.
Flea (Red Hot Chili Peppers):
I love Lou reed so much. Always
The Who:
R.I.P. Lou Reed. Walk on the peaceful side.
Salman Rushdie:
My friend Lou Reed came to the end of his song. So very sad.But hey, Lou, you’ll always take a walk on the wild side. Always a perfect day.